Everyone thought when they grew up,
they want to study in a famous university or college.
I'm also one of the "everyone", too.

I finished my SPM, like everybody did.
And I chose for further study in a college in the town (SEGi College Penang).
The course I chose is Diploma in Culinary Arts.
How many coursemates do I have?
Well. there are 11 of us, for the same intake.
In my coursemates,
there are 3 or maybe 4 people are born on 1994.
The rest?
Well, way more older than me (I was born on 1994).
But then,
the older ones,
act like they are younger than me.

Why do I say so?
Every class we had,
it was just like party.
They never treat it as class.
They will just act like monkeys in the class.
Jump here, jump there.
Talk some non-sense.
Curse here, curse there.

Whenever lecturer is talking,
they won't concentrate.
And they will only chit-chatting at the back.
Even the lecturer also didn't take any action.
I, as a student,
what can I do?

You know what?
In my class,
I don't talk much.
So, all my classmates said I'm "serious in times".
how do I communicate with them?
Even though I didn't pay attention in class, sometimes.
But, I won't make any noise in the class.
I will just sit quietly.
I: "Speechless..."

About my lecturer,
they also not really very PROFESSIONAL.
Even what to announce class time,
also very last minute.
they won't even announce the time and date to you, when you ask them.

You thought what?!
I am working leh.
I need to confirm my schedule to my sister,
so that, she can tell the other worker the working time.
I messaged my lecturer
me: "Chef, next week class what time?"
Lecturer: "I'll announce later"
me: "Chef, please tell me next week class.
You can just tell me the day, you don't tell me it's fine.
Because I need to tell my sister my working time,
so that she can arrange the working schedule. Please!"
Lecturer: "I'll post on FB."
(That day was Sunday, usually we had class on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday,
his class in on Tues & Wed.
He changed the two days class to Thursday.
But, sometimes, he changed to Tuesday, just because he wants it.)
I messaged him to know the class time,
he didn't want to tell me.
Some more said, will post on FB?
He knows that I don't have Internet access in my home!
How do I check it on FB?!
he did post on FB.
the time was 10.32pm.
Do you think that is a good time to announce?
Another lecturer even worst!
We had class on Monday, 8am - 12pm
I live quite far from my college,
so I need to wake up 1 1/2 hour before I go to college.
I woke up at 6.30am.
I went to bath,
after bathing,
I checked my phone.
Lecturer 2: "Today class cancelled."
You want to cancel class, you just inform 1 hour earlier before the class start?
At least, you need to tell before 24 hours!!!!
For me is ok, I woke up 6.30am.
Luckily I was not on the road yet.
My friend, live in the Bukit Mertajam.
She needs to take about 2 hours to reach my college.
She received the "class cancelled" message.
she already in the college.

So silly?

What to do?
Just keep on suffering in the other 1 and half year with them.
After this diploma,
I swear,
I will not choose Degree course in this college!
(not only the lecturer are not good,
the facilities also very very very very sucks!
only have 2 sinks in the kitchen,
which need to be used by 11 students.

I rather spend more money to a better college for my degree.