last month,
i had change my profile pic in FB.
changed from my own big head pic(大头照)to this

that's because of my "BEST FRIEND"!
well... he always laught at me that im very ugly and old and some kind of bad words!
argh! sh*t!
Best Friend, i know you're very good looking...
please... dont say it out in front of tuns of people!
ok... forget about it then...
i have cut my hair into very short! (i mean how short i prefer, but not as short as Y2)
went to school, my friends ask when i wanna cut, because i DO NOT want to cut it before...
but... quite nice la... hehe
i really hope SPM will be finished right now!
then, i can dye my hair as many colours as i want! (crazy?!)

I look YOUNGER!!!